Q & A

How to crop wallpapers?

It's very simple and only takes four steps.

1. First, in the three buttons in the upper right corner of "Crop Image" page, click the "Import Image From Local" button in the middle, and select a picture from the local disk to import;
2. Select the desired size on the left, if the picture is large enough, you can scroll the picture, and at the same time, you can press the "+" button in the middle of the cropping frame to drag the cropping position;
3. After selecting the cropping position, click the "Crop" button in the upper right corner, and a picture will be cropped and displayed at the bottom. If you want to continue cropping, you can drag the cropping frame to a new position, and also click the cropping button to generate a new image. The new picture is displayed below too. You can also import a new picture and continue to crop;
4. After the cropping is completed, click the "Save Images" button in the upper right corner, select the storage folder, and click "OK" to save the cropped image locally;

Can I customize the size?

Yes, it's OK. In "Screen Size" page, click the “+” button in the upper right corner, and a dialog box will pop up. Fill in the required information in the dialog and specify the type. If you want it to appear in "Crop Image" page immediately, you can check "Set as Default". Then click the "OK" button to create a new custom size.

Can I choose a fixed storage location?

Can. In "Settings" page, click the button to the right of the storage location and select a folder as the root directory for storing images. You can create multiple subdirectories under this directory. After the image is cropped and saved, the dialog box will be positioned to the root target by default. If this value is not set when saving the picture for the first time, the directory specified when saving the picture will be used as the root directory.

Contact us

If you have any questions, you can contact us by:

Email: hi.nature.wallpaper@gmail.com
Twitter: @hi_wallpaper
instagram: hi_nature_wallpaper

You can email us, or send us a message on twitter and we will promptly resolve your issue.

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